Company Introduction.
Please allow me as owner of PT. Syam Surya Mandiri to deliver our high appreciate and thank's for all support and assistance we had received.
PT. Syam Surya Mandiri is one of frozen shrimp factory located in Anggana - Kutai Kartanegara - East Borneo, Indonesia Established on August 2 of 2002 as an outcome of family support and Anggana farmers effort.
Our business base on traditional farming consist 99% processed in our factory. Hence to maintain good supply of raw material, we have integrated hatchery to provide good quality shrimp fry for our ponds.
Our Perspective
Achieve fisheries community welfare and incomes, to attain advance and independent fisheries industry.
Our Principal Mission.
Our principal mission is Prime Quality including :
1. Prime Product Quality.
2. Prime Satisfaction Services.
3. Prime Human Resource.
4. Prime Sustainable Environment.
We are HACCP certified factory "A" grade qualification, BRC and EC number approved.
We commit to food safety and quality, customer satisfaction an good ecology awareness.
May god's mercy guidance are always us.
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